Why values are important when hiring a Virtual Assistant or Support Worker

Let's be honest, having any sort of support with our business would be super helpful....

BUT, how different would it feel to have that person that just GETS you? They see & feel your struggles and they want to do everything they can to help you succeed because they really care about you.

Because they UNDERSTAND the extra difficulties you have trying to run a business with a neurodivergent brain and they are committed to supporting us through the emotionally difficult things, not just the business related things.

Someone that can talk to us, guide us and support us through ALL of the difficulties, because sometimes, let's be honest, we just need a chat to help us to stay on track and in the right frame of mind.

Lots of VA's / support workers are extremely capable at executing business tasks and keeping on top of the admin for you! You will find an abundance of them (cue the overwhelm trying to find the right one 😂 hey, that's a whole other story)... But, are they aware of the other stuff that comes with being a neurodivergent business owner?.....

  • the burnout cycles

  • the daily overwhelm

  • the decision fatigue

  • the days where you lack motivation

  • the days where you just can't manage to be present at all

  • the days where it all feels too much to manage

  • the days where you lack serious executive function

  • the days where you just don't know what to do at all

  • the days where you are feeling so emotionally dysregulated that you just want to lay in bed and forget the world

On those days, how much do you think it will matter that your closest working partner GETS IT? That they UNDERSTAND and that they can support and encourage you through the rough times as well as the smooth?

Those are the days where VALUES will matter.... Values such as:

  • kindness

  • compassion

  • understanding

  • empathy

  • patience

  • trust

Don't overlook just how valuable those values are when finding your Access to Work support worker or virtual assistant!

And if those things are important to you then you know where we are when you need us 🫶

-from one ADHD business owner to another - I see you, I feel you, I get it and I understand - but the good news is that it doesn't have to be quite so hard 😚


What is an ADHD Accountability Buddy?


The Overwhelm Dilemma: Finding my own Virtual Assistant