What is an ADHD Accountability Buddy?

Having an ADHD accountability buddy is one of the BEST things that you can do for your business.

We all know that ADHD brings sooo many challenges, one of which is productivity.

An ADHD accountability buddy can help you overcome procrastination and actually complete those tasks that have been sat on your to-do list for weeks! I know you’ve got at least a handful of tasks that you’ve been putting off for ages 😜

In this blog, we dive into what accountability is, why accountability is important, and the different forms of accountability that you can have.

Also, most importantly, we talk about where exactly you can find an ADHD accountability buddy (and for FREE if you’re a UK based business owner, so stick around to the end).

Let me tell you, this knowledge has changed the game for me personally and we want that for you too!!

Keep scrolling to find out more…

What is Accountability?

Being accountable means showing up for tasks within your business and doing things that you need to get done. Very, VERY difficult for us ADHD’ers if these tasks are boring or repetitive!

We are all accountable for something in our lives. 

Whether that is getting to work on time, running our business, or making sure we walk our dog! Accountability plays a huge role in your life, no matter whether you have ADHD or not. 

Why do People With ADHD Need Accountability?

Us ADHDers usually suffer from insufficient executive functioning skills. This can lead to procrastination and feeling unmotivated.

Basically, we can’t hold ourselves accountable…

You see those other people that decide they are going to start a routine and just magically seem to stick to it day in day out..?

Yeah, well we can’t do that… I know, it’s super annoying because we usually crave it and thrive with routine!

Us ADHDers often tend to have shiny object syndrome (SOS I like to call it) where we have a huge dopamine rush towards a specific task, but then either struggle to execute the task or hyperfixate on that task and avoid other responsibilities. Yep, we LOVE the exciting stuff and can’t stand the boring stuff!

Us ADHDers also often leave tasks until the last minute which can cause issues for their business and their team. (Oops sorry!)...

Additionally, ADHD business owners can get stuck in a cycle of hyperfixation and burnout without an accountability partner to keep them on track.

We have all experienced the classic ADHD burnout cycle!

How Does Accountability and ADHD Work?

Your accountability, partner, friend, or virtual assistant is there to make sure that you show up for the things that you need to do and stay on track with tasks.

Having an ADHD accountability buddy can be a source of motivation for us with ADHD. 

Us ADHDers struggle with accountability due to issues around procrastination and lower productivity levels. 

This can make it difficult for ADHD business owners to be accountable within their business as we lack the motivation, or we may be struggling with ADHD symptoms, such as overwhelm paralysis or shiny object syndrome.

How Should You Choose an ADHD Accountability Buddy

Whilst some people may be able to get by by just having a friend or partner as an accountability buddy, sometimes that can cause tension within relationships. 

I personally have also found that anyone too close to me is incapable of holding me accountable - all I have to do is flutter my eyelashes and say I don’t feel like doing that right now, and my ADHD brain wins! NOT what we want when we actually need to get some stuff done!

Therefore, we always recommend hiring a virtual assistant. 

Hiring a virtual assistant can help you to stay accountable and help manage the day-to-day running of your business too. 

Why Does Accountability Work?

Accountability works for us with ADHD because we have somebody keeping us on track toward our goals in a healthy way. 

Accountability also promotes productivity and will help you overcome procrastination. For example, having a meeting every morning at 9 AM with your ADHD accountability buddy will help make sure that you get ready for the day and put you into a state of flow - this realisation has changed my actual life!!!!

Another way your ADHD virtual assistant can help is by setting up a body doubling session. 

This is where you and your virtual assistant both work together, either on Zoom or in person on the specific task that you are working on. 

When you see somebody else working, you are more inclined to stay on track with your current task - especially when they give you a cheeky prod if they can see you’re getting distracted 😜

How to Find Your ADHD Accountability Buddy

The easiest way to find an accountability buddy is by hiring a virtual assistant. 

Here at The Virtual Assisters, we have specifically trained virtual assistants who know how to work alongside people with ADHD.

If you are in the UK with ADHD, you can actually apply for a government grant. This grant will give you free access to a virtual assistant, mental health coaching, ADHD coaching and so much more.

We currently have a free mini-course on everything you need to know and how to apply.

Key Takeaways on ‘What is an ADHD Accountability Buddy?

Having an ADHD accountability buddy could just be the missing piece that you’re looking for in your business. 

From doubling sessions to keeping you on track towards your goals, accountability is the key to success when you have ADHD.

You can access a free ADHD virtual assistant by applying for the government grant or you can contact us directly at hello@thevirtualassisters.co.uk


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