The Overwhelm Dilemma: Finding my own Virtual Assistant

I'm going to be honest; I didn't see the full value in what we did to help other business owners... Until it came to finding my own virtual assistant!

I now see clearly how much our service is needed. It is vital!

As you already know, as ADHD'ers, one of the biggest things we struggle with is OVERWHELM, specifically overwhelm paralysis! Let me tell you (if you don't already know), finding your own VA is one of the most overwhelming and difficult tasks you will come across in business.

So there I am, 5 months into our business, juggling the stresses of running a new business full time where we help MANY people on a daily basis to find their perfect VA (ironic isn't it). Beth (the other half of The Virtual Assisters), the BEST VA I know, is currently working full time with another business and helping me wherever she can - if only I could find another 'her' for our business. The solution seemed simple.

Well, I can now confirm; it was not that simple.

In theory, this should have been an easy process for me shouldn't it - this is exactly what we do for people like you on a daily basis (thank you Access to Work!) - we find the perfect VA / support worker for your specific business and personality. Then we train them to understand your mind and teach them how best to help you. I absolutely love doing it - especially when I get to hear how life changing it is for each of our clients! Honestly, I couldn't wait for that life changing moment!

Running a business is not easy for us with ADHD, it can be stressful and we long for ways to make it less overwhelming. We often have all the big ideas but the overwhelm stops us from ever implementing or creating them! This is one of the many reasons that having the RIGHT VA is so life changing - imagine those ideas becoming a reality and the burnout cycle being a thing of the past!

So WHY was I finding it so difficult to find my person? Here's a few reasons:

1. Emotional Investment: One of the reasons this process is so challenging is that we are emotionally invested in our businesses. Our ventures are not just about numbers and tasks; they are extensions of ourselves, our passions, and our dreams. Letting someone into this personal space, even to help, feels like navigating uncharted emotional waters.

2. Drawn to Similarity: As entrepreneurs with ADHD, we are naturally drawn to people who share similar traits and understand our thought processes. However, when it comes to hiring, this inclination might not always lead us to the most effective team members. Recognising the need to balance familiarity with diverse skill sets is key.

3. Delegation Struggles: Delegating tasks is a hurdle for many entrepreneurs, but for those of us with ADHD, it can feel like an insurmountable mountain. We often fall into the trap of thinking, "It's just easier if I do it myself." Breaking this cycle requires recognising that effective delegation is not just about offloading tasks but about strategically utilising the skills of others.

4. Unseen Tasks: While we may know the main areas where we need help (cue the inconsistent social media presence), the depth of assistance that a VA can provide often remains underestimated (many VA's simply don't know how to work with ADHD'ers). Trained VAs can tackle not only the apparent tasks but also the subtler, less obvious challenges that can significantly impact business efficiency and growth. Our VA's provide much more hand holding and accountability so that YOU are staying on track, as well as taking those time consuming and mentally challenging tasks off of your hands.

Fast forward to now (3 months and 3 VA's later) - I found my person! And let me tell you, our clients weren't lying when they told us that our support is life changing! With her help, I achieved more in that first week than I had in the first 8 months of business!

That's when I truly saw the value in what we do for other people - understanding those challenges first hand during my quest for the perfect virtual assistant opened my eyes to the indispensable role our services play in alleviating these pains - quite honestly, I wished that there was a service like this that I could have used for my own search, it would have saved me months of frustration, stress and defeat.

It's not just about finding any assistant; it's about finding the right one—a partner who not only understands the intricacies of your business but can also anticipate and address your unique challenges as an ADHD entrepreneur. Yes we all have ADHD but trust me, we are all so different and unique!


If you'd like to alleviate the stress of finding your perfect VA / support worker / job aide or if you are an ADHD business owner and would like a free virtual assistant funded from the government - please reach out to us - we would love to help!


Why values are important when hiring a Virtual Assistant or Support Worker


How You Can Work With An ADHD Trained Virtual Assistant For FREE