7 Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant For ADHD

There are so many benefits to hiring a virtual assistant for ADHD.

So if you’re an ADHD business owner who is struggling with any ADHD symptoms such as Shiny Object Syndrome, Overwhelm Paralysis or simply just feeling totally unproductive, you may want to consider hiring a virtual assistant!

In this guide, we discuss the top seven benefits of hiring a virtual assistant for ADHD. Keep scrolling to find out more.

  1. Accountability

Arguably, the biggest benefit to hiring a virtual assistant for ADHD, is that having a virtual assistant can help keep you accountable.

Accountability plays a huge role in those with ADHD. 

Often business owners with ADHD struggle with productivity and procrastination. This can lead to late deadlines, missed appointments and a consuming feeling of overwhelm.

When you work with a virtual assistant, you have somebody who encourages you to show up. 

You can even book morning meetings with the virtual assistant to make sure you get into a workflow and a great mindset for the day.

Virtual assistants can also remind you of deadlines, send you urgent emails and motivate you on the days when your ADHD symptoms are at their worst.

2. Body Doubling Sessions

Body doubling is where two people sit together and work together, usually on a video call. 

The mirroring effect of seeing somebody else work often encourages those of us with ADHD to be more productive.

When you work with a virtual assistant, you can book multiple doubling sessions throughout the week to ensure that a certain task gets completed.

These sessions are great for large tasks that you have been putting off and having a virtual assistant for support or to ask any questions is an added extra benefit.

3. Overcoming Shiny Object Syndrome

Shiny object syndrome is where those with ADHD often change from one idea to the next. 

We often hyper-fixate on one task but never fully complete the task to see if it is successful within our business.

Having a virtual assistant cannot only keep you on track towards your goals, but they can also help discuss shiny objects with you and see whether they will all have a positive impact on your business.

4. Keep Your Business Organised

ADHD business owners can sometimes struggle to keep everything within their business organised. This can cause feelings of overwhelm.

When you hire a virtual assistant, they can help to manage inboxes, automate processes within your business, and streamline your business, so you know where everything is all of the time.

5. Handling Communication

If you are anything like me, it can take you almost an hour to write one simple email. 

Seriously, emails are something that I always struggled with in my business until I hired a virtual assistant.

You can delegate all of your communication tasks (or as much as you can) to your virtual assistant.

A virtual assistant can manage your inbox and reply to your clients. They can also flag any urgent enquiries or send them directly to you. 

6. Task Management

Overwhelm Paralysis is a real thing and so many ADHD clients of ours struggle with this. 

That is why we have trained our virtual assistants to be able to help ADHD business owners to minimise overwhelm by taking tasks and splitting them up into smaller tasks.

This simple act of managing tasks within your business can help you to know what you need to focus on and when you need to focus on it.

7. An Improved Work-Life Balance

Although all business owners are guilty of spending way too much time working, ADHD business owners can often hyper-fixate on one task, leading them to spend a lot of time within their business.

ADHD business owners are also more likely to struggle with guilt when they are not working.

By hiring a virtual assistant, you can feel confident that they are completing tasks within your business. 

This not only frees up time for you to spend doing more things that you love, but you can work on the tasks that you enjoy the most within your business.

What You Need to Consider When Hiring a Virtual Assistant?

When hiring a virtual assistant for ADHD there are a few questions you should ask yourself first. These questions are:

  • What are the issues within my business that I'm struggling with the most?

  • What are my business goals?

  • What resistance am I currently feeling towards my goals?

  • How much ADHD support do you need? Is it just a couple of hours a week? Or are you looking for a virtual assistant that you can be in contact with every single day?

Here at The Virtual Assisters, our virtual assistants are specifically trained to work with ADHD business owners.

If you’re thinking of hiring a virtual assistant, you can contact us directly at hello@thevirtualassisters.co.uk.

Key Takeaways on 7 Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant For ADHD

Those were the main benefits of hiring a virtual assistant for ADHD. 

From accountability to doubling sessions and task management, there are so many positives to hiring a virtual assistant.

I hired a virtual assistant myself and it changed my life. I was able to work on things in my business that I truly enjoyed and I was able to delegate tasks that I struggled to complete.

Did you know about the Access to Work government grant? 

This is funding where ADHD business owners and other people with mental and physical disorders or disabilities can apply for government funding.

By applying for the funding you can access mental health support, virtual assistance, ADHD coaching and more - FOR FREE!!

Click the link here for our FREE mini-course on how to apply!


Access to Work for ADHD


What is an ADHD Accountability Buddy?