Must Know Accountability Exercises for ADHD Business Owners

Learning accountability exercises as a CEO who has ADHD can truly transform the way you approach your business.

Whether you're newly diagnosed and just figuring out the world of ADHD or are still struggling with some of the symptoms years in, you should know accountability is so important when it comes to ADHD management. 

In his blog post, we explore the best accountability exercises for ADHD business owners.

What is Accountability?

Accountability is mostly just another word for responsibility.

For example, when you run a business you must hold yourself accountable and show up for your business every day. 

Just like if you were in a 9 to 5, you would be accountable for turning up to work on time.

You are also accountable for other aspects within your business such as making sure you make deadlines as well as the decisions that you make.

Why is Accountability Important as an ADHD Business Owner?

Often people who have ADHD struggle to keep themselves accountable due to procrastination and overwhelm. 

Other factors such as imposter syndrome can play a huge role as these symptoms often leave you feeling like you’re not good enough to run a business.

These negative emotions can quickly lead to you not showing up for your business as much as you would like.

People with ADHD tend to often need somebody to help keep them accountable more than other business owners.

Personally, I found that having somebody to keep me accountable was a driving force to our business success. 

My levels of productivity from when I didn’t hire a virtual assistant to after, were dramatically changed.

Accountability Exercises for ADHD Business Owners

There are multiple accountability exercises that can help to improve your ability to show up for your business. Here are the exercises that we have seen work the best amongst our clients!

Hiring a Virtual Assistant

As I previously mentioned, having a virtual assistant truly changed my business. 

Here at The Virtual Assisters, we have specifically trained virtual assistants who work directly with ADHD business owners. 

They understand the struggles of ADHD and help you to stay accountable, even on the days when it's difficult to do so.

This could be as small as making sure that you answer your emails on time or as big as making sure that all work is completed on time. 

Virtual assistants can also help to keep you accountable on social media (as we know how difficult it can be to be consistent on those platforms) as well as just keeping up your morale whilst you’re doing the… let's say, less interesting tasks within your business!

Weekly Check Ins

Another one of the best accountability exercises is to have somebody who can do weekly check-ins with you. 

When you hire an ADHD virtual assistant, they can have a weekly call with you so that you know everything you need to work on for that week. 

Body Doubling 

Body doubling is another accountability exercise that can make a huge difference to how much work you get done in a day.

Body doubling is the act of mirroring somebody as you work. This can be done in person for example in a café or online via Zoom.

Our virtual assistants offer body doubling sessions to our clients.

On these body doubling sessions, you can either go through a task together or simply work on different tasks whilst on the call.

This is one of the best accountability exercises if you tend to get distracted easily as a virtual assistant can help to guide you back on track.

Accountability Buddy

An ADHD accountability buddy is somebody who shows up for you every single day. 

When you hire a virtual assistant, you’re kind of already getting an accountability buddy.

If you hire a virtual assistant for enough hours that they can work for you every day, they can check in with you every single day and send reminders to keep you on track!

Key Takeaways on Must Know Accountability Exercises for ADHD Business Owners

Those were the best accountability exercises for ADHD business owners! In our opinion, having a mix of each of these exercises is a recipe for success!

If you’re interested in hiring an ADHD virtual assistant, you can access one for free!

Access to Work is a government grant where ADHD business owners can access funding to hire a virtual assistant, a coach, or additional support.

Applying is very easy! We even have a free mini-course that will take you through the step-by-step process!

Don’t want to wait? Email us at to learn more about how you can work with an ADHD virtual assistant today!


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