Signs You Need to Hire an ADHD Personal Assistant Right Now

Running a business with ADHD isn’t always sunshine and roses, however, by hiring an ADHD trained personal assistant you could dramatically transform your business.

In this blog post, we discuss what a personal assistant for ADHD is and the top signs that you should consider hiring an ADHD trained personal assistant right now.

What is an ADHD Personal Assistant?

An ADHD personal assistant is somebody who often works remotely and will complete tasks within your business.

A personal assistant can help with anything from general administrative tasks to social media management. 

An ADHD personal assistant is slightly different from your average virtual assistant as they are specifically trained to work with ADHD business owners. 

Here at The Virtual Assisters, our virtual assistants are trained to specifically support ADHD business owners as they learn helpful techniques to understand and support you with your ADHD symptoms.

Signs You Need To Hire an ADHD Personal Assistant Right Now

Here are the top signs that you should hire an ADHD virtual assistant.

You Keep Burning Out

One of the biggest signs that you need to hire an ADHD personal assistant is that you are going through consistent cycles of burning out. 

Burnout is one of the most challenging symptoms of ADHD and it can massively impact your business. 

Hiring a personal assistant doesn’t mean that you’ll never struggle with burnout again, but it will help to reduce the risks to your business if you do.

You Often Feel Overwhelmed

Another common symptom of ADHD is overwhelm paralysis. 

Overwhelm paralysis often happens when you have too many things to do on your to-do list but you have no idea where to start.

Virtual assistants can take those tasks off of your to-do list or break them up into smaller, more manageable tasks for you. 

You’re Struggling With Procrastination

Although procrastination has become normalised, when you have ADHD, procrastination can be detrimental to your business. 

By hiring an ADHD personal assistant, you get your own accountability buddy. This means, there is somebody to encourage you to show up every day.

This was something I always struggled with until I found my own virtual assistant. Having somebody to hold me to deadlines has seriously changed the game for my business.

You Feel Stuck

Finally, if you’re just feeling completely stuck within the business that you have created, it may be time to hire an ADHD personal assistant.

It's so easy to get caught up in working in our business and never have any time to work ON it. 

When you hire a virtual assistant, you free up time in your schedule and have more creative energy to grow your business.

How to Work With an ADHD Personal Assistant

To hire a virtual assistant, you can contact us directly at 

Did you know that you can actually access an ADHD personal assistant for free? In the UK we have a government grant which helps to keep people with mental and physical health conditions in work. 

The grant is called Access to Work and you can click here for our FREE mini-course on how to apply. There aren’t any hidden costs, the grant is completely free to apply for!

Key Takeaways

From going from one burnout cycle to the next and constantly struggling with procrastination, being an ADHD business owner can be challenging.

However, by hiring a personal assistant for your business, you can start to take these tasks off your to-do list, have somebody hold you accountable and help with the day to day running of your business. 

We’ve had so many clients have their businesses transformed by working with a virtual assistant. Contact us at if you have any questions or want to kickstart your ADHD personal assistant journey.


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