25 Good Things About ADHD

There is a lot of information online about ADHD and sometimes it can have much more of a negative spin than a positive one.

That is why I wanted to create this post on 25 good things about ADHD so if you’re just figuring out your ADHD brain or diagnosis, you know that there are positive aspects to ADHD too!

  1. Passion

People with ADHD are some of the most passionate people I have ever met!

Admittedly, ADHDers do tend to only be passionate about specific topics but with those topics, they could go on for hours!

If I am honest, this is one of the best things that has come out of the job that I do.

I get to meet with so many ADHD business owners who are passionate about their business and see them light up when they talk about it!

2. Spontaneity

As much as ADHDers would love to be in a routine, we love to be spontaneous far more.

Some of the best memories I’ve ever had have come out of spontaneous trips and I really value this trait.

3. Abundant Energy

ADHDers can sometimes go through cycles of burnout, however, for the most part, ADHDers tend to have a lot of energy.

This energy is often most prevalent when we are doing something we love or are around the people who bring that energy out of us. 

You may find that you have more energy during the evening than in the morning. We can sometimes find ourselves staying up until the early hours of the morning working on things that we love.

4. Creativity

Next on this list of 25 good things about ADHD is our creativity.

I have really been inspired by the creativity that I see amongst the clients that I work with. 

I think this comes in line with the fact that people with ADHD are often always looking for the next big thing and when we make time to be creative, we truly thrive.

5. Meaningful Conversations

A huge aspect of ADHD that I’ve seen amongst our clients is having meaningful conversations. 

Even with myself, I would so much rather talk about deep topics with somebody than engage in small talk. 

Honestly, I could easily stay up all night talking about deep topics with the people that I love!

6. Hyperfocus

Although hyperfixation often gets labelled as a negative trait, I think if you’re able to hyperfixate on the tasks that really matter, it can actually be a positive driving force of your business. 

There are many times when I procrastinate during the day and then get all the work I need to get done for that day within an hour or two during the evening.

Hiring a virtual assistant has really helped me to view hyperfixation as a positive thing as I can outsource the tasks that I struggle to do and focus on what I enjoy.

7. Resilience 

Next on this list of 25 good things about ADHD is resilience.

ADHDers are some of the most resilient people I have come across. 

I think this sometimes stems from the fact that many people with ADHD have struggled in school so they develop a resilient backbone.

8. Risk Tolerance 

This list of 25 good things about ADHD wouldn’t be complete without the fact that we often have a high-risk tolerance.

Being able to take risks is a positive aspect of ADHD because you have to be able to take risks in business.

9. Out of The Box Thinking 

If there is one thing that ADHDers can do, it is that they can think outside of the box.

This means coming up with creative solutions to problems and new ideas, especially for their business. 

This is one of the best traits that comes with ADHD, in my opinion!

10. Problem Solving

Similar to out of the box thinking, those of us with ADHD tend to enjoy finding creative solutions to problems.

This means that when things go wrong in their business, instead of focusing on what went wrong, we work to fix the problem straight away.

11. Empathy

Empathy is another huge ADHD trait that I think often gets overlooked.

There are so many mental struggles that come with ADHD which I think helps us to be more empathetic to those around us that are struggling.

12. Imagination

A lot of people with ADHD can relate to being told that we used to daydream a lot as a child, right?

When running a business, having a strong imagination is a great way to really visualise the goals that you have and of course, dream big!

13. Compassion

Next on this list of 25 good things about ADHD is compassion.

ADHDers can often be labelled as sensitive, however, the flip side of that is that we can be very compassionate. 

We tend to always try to see the good in people.

14. Sense of Humour

When it comes to a sense of humour, I honestly think ADHDers have the best kind. Although, I am slightly biassed. 

I have noticed that we try to put a positive spin on negative situations and find it easier to stay more optimistic. 

15. Perseverance 

Perseverance is another ADHD trait that I think doesn’t get enough credit.

Again, this goes hand in hand with the resilience that we build as a child but also because we have to navigate the world with our ADHD brain. 

16. Self Awareness

When you have ADHD, you are very self aware of all the things. What you’re saying, what you are thinking, and how you are acting. 

Whilst this can sometimes be a struggle for ADHD business owners, there is actually a benefit too as we can easily recognise if we need to change our behaviours.

17. New Ideas

Of course, this list of 25 good things about ADHD, wouldn’t be complete without a mention of Shiny Object Syndrome.

Whilst many people can suffer from Shiny Object Syndrome it is particularly prevalent in those with ADHD. 

This is where you are constantly thinking of the next big thing. 

The negative aspect of this is that you are not consistent with ideas enough to know if they are successful. 

However, the great thing about this is that you are constantly thinking of new ideas which can be great for your business too. 

18. Eager to Make New Friends

Some people with ADHD tend to be eager to make new friends and can easily start a conversation with new people.

It’s really a mixed bag. Some ADHDers struggle with social anxiety whereas others are very extroverted!

19. Will Try Anything Once

One thing with ADHDers is that we tend to be very receptive to trying things, at least once!

This is a great way to view life to be able to take risks and put yourself out of your comfort zone.

20. Observant

Next on this list of 25 good things about ADHD is that we can be very observant. 

We can often be a great judge of character which is perfect for the hiring process when running a business with ADHD. 

21. Never Boring

One thing about having ADHD is that there is never a dull moment!

I’ve already mentioned a bunch of aspects surrounding positivity and abundant energy in this list of 25 good things about ADHD and this goes hand in hand that ADHDers are certainly not boring!

I think they are the best type of people to be around for a good time! Hopefully my friends and family agree 😉

22. Often Optimistic

Don’t get me wrong, people with ADHD can go through cycles of burnout and depression but for the most part, we try to see the good in every situation.

I would even say sometimes, we are overly optimistic which can lead to disappointment, however, it’s a trait I wouldn’t change!

23. Good Conversationalist

A lot of people with ADHD do tend to have social anxiety when it comes to new people, however, once you get to know them, they tend to be very good conversationalists.

As I mentioned, we can easily talk about one topic for hours on end, if we enjoy the topic a lot.

24. Enjoys Helping Others

One thing I love seeing amongst the clients that we work with is that they love to help others. 

I even started my own business to help business owners with ADHD get the support they need within their business. 

This seems to be a real trend with ADHDers - we find real fulfilment in doing work that is helping others in some way, shape or form!

Did you hear about the Access to Work government grant? This is funding where you can access an ADHD virtual assistant, mental health support and more for FREE. To learn how to apply, you can access our free mini-course!

25. Perfectionists


Finally on this list of 25 good things about ADHD is that we can be perfectionists. 

This means we pay attention to the small details which add up to the big results!

Those were all of the top 25 good things about ADHD! Having ADHD isn’t a bad thing, it can actually be the driving force of your success!

If you’re interested in working with an ADHD trained virtual assistant, you can contact us at hello@thevirtualassisters.co.uk


How to Hire a Virtual Assistant in the UK as an ADHD Business Owner


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