Access to Work for ADHD

If you haven’t already heard of access to work for ADHD, you need to get to know!

In this guide, we discuss what Access to Work is, how this can support you in your business, and how to apply. 

Keep reading to find out how access to work for ADHD can improve your business and life…

What is Access to Work for ADHD?

Access to work is a government grant aimed to support individuals with physical and mental health conditions or disabilities and help them to remain in work. 

The support can be granted to those whether they are employed in a full-time position, part-time position or self-employed.

The government grant can be rewarded up to £62,900 per annum to support those individuals.

With the government grant, you can use the funding for things such as…

  • Virtual assistant support 

  • Specialist ADHD coaching

  • Mental health support

  • ADHD specialist equipment 

As I am writing this, the waiting time for the Access to Work ADHD grant is around 14 weeks to hear back about your government grant access. 

However, the sooner you put in your application, the sooner you will receive your funding!

Who is Eligible for the Scheme?

There are certain requirements for you to be eligible for the access to work grant. These include:

  • You are 16 or over

  • You have a mental or physical condition that affects your ability to work or travel to work.

  • You are already in a paid job, self-employed or looking for work. 

  • You live in either England, Scotland or Wales.

If you fit all four of these requirements, you can apply for the Access to Work ADHD funding.

Access to work for ADHD: How Can it Help

Having ADHD can significantly impact the results that you get in your business. 

ADHD can often leave you changing from one task to the next, and have the inability to focus on tasks or stay organised. 

This can then result in last-minute deadlines, mistakes and feeling honestly, completely overwhelmed.

.As we mentioned previously, there are multiple ways that you can use the Access to Work ADHD grant.

Hiring a Virtual Assistant

Firstly, hiring a virtual assistant is one of the best ways to feel supported within your business. 

Here at The Virtual Assisters, we have specifically trained virtual assistants who know how to work with ADHD business owners to provide the best support possible. 

They are trained in ways such as knowing how to break tasks down into more manageable steps, body doubling and automating processes within your business. 

If you are considering hiring an assistant, you can contact us directly at

ADHD Coaching

ADHD coaching is another way that you could potentially use the government grant.

By working with an ADHD coach, you’ll get tailored support from somebody who completely understands the effects of ADHD on your business.

They can also provide strategies to help you overcome certain ADHD symptoms. 

Specialist ADHD Equipment

Specialist ADHD equipment like ergonomic chairs or standing desks can help to improve productivity. 

By applying for this government grant you can easily access this equipment.

You might be thinking “What’s the catch?” but we promise, there isn’t one.

Keeping up with a 9 to 5 job or being self-employed can come with a lot of pressure and you deserve to feel supported.

How to Apply for Access to Work?

You can apply to Access to Work funding by visiting the GOV website and finding the Access to Work Page. 

Alternatively, you can sign up for our FREE Access to Work ADHD mini-course. 

In the course, Ella will guide you through the whole process! 

So, if you feel like you’ve been procrastinating applying, Ella provides a recorded body doubling session where she will guide you through every step of the process. 

The course takes around half an hour in total and after, this task will be ticked off of your to-do list!

Key Takeaways on Access to Work for ADHD

Access to work for ADHD is a brilliant scheme from the government to help keep people with ADHD and other mental and health conditions in work.

The government grant can help support you by providing you with extra money to pay for virtual assistant support, ADHD coaching, mental health support, and ADHD specialist equipment to keep you productive.

You can apply for the government grant on the government website or access our free Access to Work ADHD mini-course where we take you through every single step of the process!

We can’t wait to support you in getting this much needed support and by providing a quality assistant for you once you have your funding in place 🙂


7 Essential Tips for Running a Business with ADHD


7 Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant For ADHD