Tasks to Delegate to a Virtual Assistant 

Are you an ADHD business owner who is feeling overwhelmed and wondering which tasks to delegate to a virtual assistant?

In this blog post, we are breaking down some of the most popular tasks that a virtual assistant can help you complete so that you can feel more supported in your business! Keep scrolling to find out more.

Inbox Management 

One of the most common tasks that can be delegated to a virtual assistant is anything to do with your inbox.

If you’re like me, replying to emails can take so much of your time because our ADHD just makes this task so overwhelming!!

By outsourcing your inbox management, you will have somebody who can quickly respond to emails and make sure that nothing is missed!

Lead Generation

One of the best tasks to delegate to a virtual assistant is anything involving growing and scaling your business.

Lead generation is something your assistant can take off of your hands and bring in leads to your business for you to nurture and turn into paying clients!

Social Media Management

Being consistent with your social media accounts whilst running your business is one of the toughest things to do and something a lot of our clients struggle with.

Whether you want to post more regularly on Instagram, show up on TikTok or create a YouTube channel, there is a virtual assistant that can help you with every step of the process.

You can even work with a social media strategist who can help you to grow and scale your social media accounts.


As your business is growing, staying on top of what money is going out and coming into your business should be a huge priority.

Having somebody to keep track of invoices and all of the financial aspects of your business can help alleviate that pressure and give you better peace of mind. 

Video Editing

When thinking of which tasks to delegate to a virtual assistant, video editing comes to mind as this can be incredibly time-consuming.

Whether it’s editing videos for reels, for YouTube or a course you are building, by outsourcing that task, you can free up so much more of your time! 

Personal Errands

Did you know that you can outsource personal errands to a virtual assistant?

This is particularly great for ADHDers as we can get hyper-fixated on our business and our personal admin tasks can fall by the wayside.

With a virtual assistant, you can confidently invest time in your business knowing that your personal errands are being taken care of. No more forgotten dress up days at your kids school ;)

Calendar Management

If you’re somebody who has a lot of meetings and inbound leads coming into your calendar, you will benefit from having a virtual assistant manage your calendar.

By doing so, you can ensure that you know exactly where you need to be and when!

Website Management

Building and running an entire website for your business can be challenging which makes this one of the best tasks to outsource to a virtual assistant. 

A virtual assistant can help you build landing pages and implement systems into your website to make the process as easy as possible for the customers or clients who visit your website!


Do you conduct research regularly in your business? 

Whether that's researching competitors or ingredients for products, this time consuming task can be easily outsourced to a virtual assistant!

Key Takeaways on Tasks to Delegate to a Virtual Assistant

Those are the most popular tasks to delegate to a virtual assistant but honestly, there is a virtual assistant for almost any task that you need support with.

If you are an ADHD business owner who needs a part-time or full-time virtual assistant, you can access a virtual assistant for free through Access to Work. 

Access to Work is a government scheme where you will be given funding to pay for your virtual assistant and more!

We have put together a free mini-course that breaks down exactly how to apply to get the most funding possible! Click here to access.

If you have any questions about hiring a virtual assistant as an ADHD business owner, you can email us at hello@thevirtualassisters.co.uk


Overcoming Creative Overwhelm as an ADHD Business Owner