50 Tips for Adults With Adhd Who Run a Business

In this blog post, we discuss 50 tips for adults with ADHD who run a business. So, you can design a business (and life) that you love waking up to!

50 Tips for Adults With ADHD

Let's get straight into my top ADHD tips!

Make a Fresh To-Do List Today

To help put us into a state of flow. We need to create a fresh to-do list every single day.

By doing so, we can organise our thoughts and know exactly what we need to complete during that day.

Without a fresh to-do list, we can easily lead ourselves into a cycle of procrastination.

Delegate Tasks

The second tip on this list of 50 tips for adults with ADHD is to delegate. 

Delegating tasks is one of the best things we can do for our business.

There are always tasks in our business that we don’t necessarily enjoy doing and by delegating these tasks to a virtual assistant, we can focus on what we love.

Did you know that you can access a virtual assistant for free using the access to work government funding? Click here for our free mini-course on how to apply.

Make Time for Exercise

Inside our busy schedule as an ADHD business owner, making time for exercise can sometimes feel impossible. 

However, getting up half an hour earlier just to go for a walk around the area can make a huge difference to our ADHD symptoms. 

In my opinion, working out first thing in the morning is most beneficial as it helps to put you into a productive mindset.

If you leave it to the evening, you may not work out at all.

Create an ADHD Friendly Space

Creating an ADHD friendly space in your home means you have a space to purely focus on work-related tasks.

This space can be void of any distractions and you can even consider not taking your phone into this room with you at all.

Set Focused Hours On Your Calendar

When you run a business, you can feel like you’re being pulled in so many different directions.

Setting an hour within your schedule each day where you can focus on working on your business and not in it, will drive your business forward.

If you have a team, make sure that they have access to a shared calendar so that they can see when not to contact you so that you can avoid distractions.

Purchase a Physical Timer

When it comes to creating a list of 50 tips for adults with ADHD, I had to include purchasing a physical timer, this will transform your life!

Purchasing a physical timer is a great way to timeblock your day.

You can set the timer for 20 minutes and physically see the clock counting down. This helps us to stay motivated and focused for a set amount of time.

Give Yourself More Time

As ADHD business owners, we can be pretty bad at not being able to estimate how long it will take for us to complete a task.

Giving ourselves a cushion of an extra 10 to 15 minutes will help alleviate the pressure and make sure that we’re not working past deadlines.

Break Down Tasks Into Smaller Tasks

Breaking down large tasks into smaller tasks is one of the most beneficial things that we have seen amongst our ADHD clients. 

A virtual assistant can really help you to do this as it can be difficult to see how to implement that strategy on your own. You can contact us at hello@thevirtualassisters.co.uk to find the right virtual assistant for you. 

Learn to Say No

Especially at the beginning of your business, you can feel like you need to say yes to every opportunity that comes your way.

However, to really dial in on what you love about your business, you need to start saying no to opportunities that don’t fulfil you or deter you from your goals.

Create a ‘Someday Shelf’

Shiny object syndrome is one of the biggest challenges for an ADHD business owner.

We can often find ourselves going from one idea to the next, however, by creating a ‘someday shelf’ you can leave your ideas here and return to them in a couple of months.

If you’re still thinking about the idea months later and you still think it’s a good idea then it is time to act, until then, keep the idea on the shelf!

Practice Mindfulness

Incorporating meditation or gentle movements (such as yoga) into our morning routine, it can help us to improve our mindset, especially in the mornings when anxiety is usually at its highest.

Improve Your Sleep Quality

Many ADHDers struggle to sleep during the night due to racing thoughts or new ideas that come to mind. 

Creating a good sleep routine by limiting the amount of time you spend on your phone during the evenings, avoiding caffeine and exercising before bed can help to improve your sleep quality!

Schedule a 9 AM Meeting

Getting ready for the day is one of the hardest parts of my ADHD.

By organising a 9 AM meeting, it holds me accountable for having to show up for that meeting and get ready for the day. 

This could be a FaceTime call with a friend or it could be a meeting with one of your team members.

Have an Accountability Buddy

Having an accountability buddy means that no matter how unmotivated you may be, you have somebody who ensures that you keep showing up. 

When you have ADHD, you often know that showing up will make you feel better but find it difficult to get over that initial procrastination. 

A virtual assistant is one of the best forms of accountability. 

At The Virtual Assisters, we have specifically trained virtual assistants who know how important accountability is in the management of ADHD and will help you to stay on track.

Doubling Sessions

Body doubling is where you mirror what somebody else is doing. 

This is one of the most effective methods for those with ADHD.

Whether you do a body doubling session with your virtual assistant on a Zoom call or you go to a café where people are working, body doubling can help you to stay focused as you mirror people working around you.

Use a Whiteboard

A whiteboard can be a great way for you to get all of your ideas out in a space where you can physically see them.

If you find yourself constantly not looking at your to-do list, this is a great alternative!

Set Reminders

Next on this list of 50 tips for adults with ADHD is setting reminders.

Setting reminders on your phone is a great way to remind yourself of meetings or things that you need to get done during that day.

Even if you think that you won’t forget it, set a reminder anyway. Nine times out of ten, you will be grateful that you set that timer!

Write New Ideas Down

As soon as a new idea comes to mind, write it down. 

This is because when new ideas come to our mind with ADHD, it can go one of two ways. 

We either instantly forget the idea and try to think about what we thought about the entire day or we obsess over the idea for the entire day so that we don’t forget it.Write New Ideas

Try Out White/Brown Noise

One of the best hacks on this list of 50 tips for adults with ADHD is to try out white or brown noise.

Oftentimes having something on in the background like a YouTube video or music can be too distracting for those of us with ADHD. Instead, try out white noise to help you stay motivated.

Wake up at the Same Time Everyday

Setting a routine as somebody with ADHD is difficult but if you can work to do so, it can significantly improve your life and business. 

One way to easily create a routine is to wake up every single time every morning. This helps to regulate your sleep and ultimately improves your sleep quality too. And no I don’t recommend waking up at 5am!!

Never Work in Your Bed

You shouldn’t be working in your bed during the day.

This is because we should be associating our bedrooms with relaxing, not work. If you often work in your bed, you may find that you struggle to sleep or have lower energy levels during the day.

Do The Thing Immediately

If something comes to your mind that will only take five minutes to complete, then you should do that thing immediately. 

Putting that task off will just compile similar things onto your to-do list and will become overwhelming further in the day.

Practise Positive Self Talk

Negative self-talk can be a huge trigger of our ADHD symptoms. 

Practising affirmations and being kinder to yourself is a great way to develop a healthy mindset.

Set New Goals Often

This list of 50 tips for adults with ADHD wouldn’t be complete without setting new goals often.

Setting new goals often is a way to create a dopamine hit for your brain. The smaller our goals are, the easier and more quickly that we will reach them which therefore motivates us to move on to the next goal because we keep getting that dopamine hit.

Journal Your Thoughts

If you’re particularly struggling with racing or anxious thoughts, getting your feelings out on paper is a great way to process these feelings and get them out of your mind.

Take Five Minutes to Tidy Up Your Space

Taking just five minutes to tidy up our space can make all the difference to our productivity levels. 

Do this every morning and you will constantly be working in a clean, clear space. 

Hire an ADHD Coach

If you’re really struggling to overcome certain aspects of ADHD, hiring an ADHD coach who understands the intricacies of ADHD can be hugely beneficial. 

Contact Ella to learn more about her ADHD coaching services at hello@itselladavies.co.uk

Simplify Your Hygiene Routine

If you have a complicated hygiene routine in the morning, this can end up taking you so much time before actually sitting down to work. 

Simplify your hygiene routine and minimise the time you spend getting ready in the morning.

Find a Routine That Works For You

A lot of people with ADHD are night owls and will never be a part of the 5 AM club. 

If you’re lucky enough to work from home, working later in the day isn’t necessarily a bad thing if it works for you.

Educate Yourself

Educating yourself on ADHD symptoms can help you to manage them.

Then you can use this information to your advantage and create a business implementing strategies that work.

Limit Time Spent On Social Media

I just had to add limiting time on social media to this list of 50 tips for adults with ADHD. 

Taking breaks from social media not only improves our productivity but it helps us to not fall into the trap of comparing our business to others.

Follow Inspiring Instagram Accounts

Comparison can be a huge symptom of ADHD, so instead of following Instagram accounts that don’t make you feel fulfilled, follow accounts that make you feel good and inspired.

Use Colour Coding

People with ADHD are often visually orientated so using colour coding wherever possible can help you to stay more organised.

Set Deadlines for all Tasks

Parkinson’s law states that a task will take as long as you give it to be completed. So setting shorter deadlines will ensure that we are not getting tasks done at the last minute.

Prioritise tasks

When creating your to-do list, make sure to do them in priority order and not in the order that you enjoy them the most. 

By doing this, you will avoid having a day where all of the tasks on your to-do list are the main priority.

Notice How You Work Best

Some people work best in complete quiet whereas other ADHDers prefer to be in a noisy space such as a café. 

Figure out where you work best and prioritise working in that environment as much as possible.

Make Time to Decompress After Socialising

If you have spent a large part of your day in meetings or connecting with team members this can be physically draining for those of us with ADHD. 

One of the best things you can do is make time to decompress after socialising.

Have One Day For Meetings

Next on this list of 50 tips for adults with ADHD is to have one day for meetings.

If you struggle with social anxiety then having one day purely for meetings means that you won’t be constantly thinking about meetings that you have to attend during the week. 

Recharge Your Batteries

Running a business can feel like you’re working 24/7.

Setting even just one hour a week to recharge your batteries and do something that you love will help you to prevent burning out.

Advocate for Yourself

If you need to speak up for yourself or talk to somebody about the effects of ADHD in order to not feel overwhelmed then you should 100% advocate for yourself. 

Learning how to do this will help you to decrease the stigma around ADHD and educate your team members and family.

Celebrate Your Wins

Just like setting new goals, make sure to take a moment to celebrate those wins by rewarding yourself!

Each time that we do this, we motivate ourselves to push for the next milestone. 

Learn How to Regulate Your Emotions

I had to add regulating your emotions to this list of 50 tips for adults with ADHD. 

Learning how to regulate your emotions by taking time to step away from a situation before reacting is one of the best things you can do for your business and your team. 

Learn what strategies work best for you and implement them as much as needed.

Understand Criticism Isn’t a Reflection on Your Worth

Rejection sensitivity dysphoria is another symptom of ADHD that can really play havoc on our emotions. 

Learning that criticism is not a direct reflection of your worth is vital. Instead, use this criticism to learn and grow.

Reframe Imposter syndrome

Framing impostor syndrome is so important. 

When you are experiencing imposter syndrome, you are actually in a position outside of your comfort zone where you can learn and develop your skills.

Identify Your ADHD Skills

Some people who have ADHD love to do things with numbers whilst other ADHDers prefer creative tasks.

Identify your ADHD skills and where possible, really tune into them.

Take Regular Breaks

Next on this list of 50 tips for adults with ADHD is a tip that is essential to avoid burnout.

Taking regular breaks and understanding our limits is the best thing we can do for our energy levels.

Schedule multiple breaks throughout the day and stick to them!!

Understand Your ADHD Triggers

If you’re working from home, you need to understand your triggers and understand what causes you to become distracted.

Then avoid adding these triggers in your life as much as possible

Establish Clear Boundaries.

Setting boundaries as a business owner will help you to avoid burning out or suffering from emotional dysregulation.

Make these boundaries clear to your team members and encourage them to set their own too.

Consider Medication

If you have exhausted all options and are really struggling to run your business with ADHD, there are ADHD medication options that may help to ease those symptoms. 

You should talk to a trained medical professional about this.

Know That You May Not Be Able To Give 100% Everyday

Finally, on this list of 50 tips for adults with ADHD, you should know that you won’t be able to give 100% every day.

You can do everything on this list and still have days where you struggle. Embrace the process. 

Better days will always come.

Key Takeaways on 50 Tips for Adults With Adhd Who Run a Business

That concludes this list of the top 50 tips for adults with ADHD. The main thing to remember is that running a business with ADHD is absolutely possible. 

To gain ADHD support, a virtual assistant and ADHD coaching you can apply for the government grant, Access to Work. Click here for our free mini-course on how to apply.


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