FAQ’s - Hiring an ADHD Virtual Assistant 

Thinking of hiring an ADHD virtual assistant but still have some questions about what the process looks like? You are in the right place!

In this blog post, we share our answers to the top FAQs when hiring an ADHD virtual assistant for your business. Let's get straight into it!

What is an ADHD Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant is somebody who works remotely whilst providing support to the business.

They are not full-time employees and often only work certain hours for the business. For example, you could hire a virtual assistant for 10 hours a month. 

A virtual assistant pays for their equipment and usually works from home so you don’t have to spend money investing in tools or an office space.

How can an ADHD Virtual Assistant Help Your Business?

Virtual assistants can help you with pretty much any task in your business.

With our ADHD virtual assistants, they are trained to understand the complexities and symptoms of ADHD.

They learn specific techniques to help you to manage your ADHD. Some of the techniques include body doubling sessions and breaking down tasks into small and more manageable tasks to avoid overwhelm.

How Much Does an ADHD Virtual Assistant Cost?

The cost of hiring an ADHD virtual assistant largely depends on how much work you would like the virtual assistant to complete in your business.

Usually, virtual assistants are hired by the hour and you pay for a specific amount of hours for that month.

However, with the government funding, Access to Work, you can hire a virtual assistant for FREE by using the funding that they provide.

As an ADHD business owner, you can apply for government funding - you don’t need to be diagnosed!

Access our free mini-course here where I take you through every step of applying - it’s very easy to do!

What are the Differences Between an Employee & an ADHD Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant is also known as an ‘independent contractor’ or ‘self employed individual’.

When you work with a virtual assistant, you usually work with them for a certain amount of hours during the month whereas an employee works with you full-time.

When you hire a full-time employee, you have much more control over what their day looks whereas a virtual assistant sets their own schedule.

However, there are a lot of pros to hiring a virtual assistant over an employee.

As I mentioned before, you don’t have to pay for equipment but you also don’t have to pay for paid holiday days or sick days. 

Virtual assistants are also in charge of their own taxes.

One of the biggest benefits of hiring a virtual assistant is that they often have one or two refined skills. This means you can find a virtual assistant with the exact skills you need!

How can I Hire an ADHD Virtual Assistant?

Here at The Virtual Assisters, we have ADHD trained virtual assistants that are ready to work with you today! 

As I previously mentioned, you can access a virtual assistant for free by applying for the Access to Work government grant.

Alternatively you can hire a virtual assistant directly with us by sending us an email at hello@thevirtualassisters.co.uk to book your first discovery call!

Key Takeaways on FAQs - Hiring an ADHD Virtual Assistant 

Those were the top FAQs about hiring an ADHD virtual assistant!

I hope you feel excited about taking your business to the next level with the right support for you!

Have other questions about hiring an ADHD trained virtual assistant? Email us at hello@thevirtualassisters.co.uk


Access to Work for ADHD: What You NEED To Know When Given Your Funding 


How to Hire a Virtual Assistant in the UK as an ADHD Business Owner